Yes you read the title correctly !!!
For a little more or less than 8 yrs now ...I have suffered with chronic foot pain. It all started after working in an industrial building ..where my job was to be on my feet for sometimes 9 hours a day and many days lift heavy furniture etc.
I immediately discovered by researching online that my conditions were those named " Plantar Facitis " ...I think I spelled that right ...LOL !!!
I have done everything under the sun for years now trying to allieviate the pain ..and some things worked for short periods of time ..but nothing ever worked long enough. Sooooooo.....
Last week as my Dad was headed into his M.D. I finally gave in and asked him to ask her what could be done medically.
Of course I figured what the answer would be and as much as I hated to do it ..I felt I had no where else to go ..and that was injections of Cortisone in my feet. ( are you squirming in your chair right now ???)
Needles nor the sight of them really bother me and neither do shots in general ..I just don't like to see them being stuck in me or anyone else so as long as I don't have to watch I'm great ..
Monday of this week ...I ventured to have my feet poked ..and looked forward to any relief I could get. ..
Let me just say I made it through the injections just fine ..but I won't lie it was more than painful ..I have since read a few forum posts on the subject of women who had the same procedure done and said they would rather give birth again ..I can't relate not having given birth ..but I must admit it wasn't fun.
My Dr. sent me on my way with no knowledge of what was to come ..just a few hours away ..I was left to think I headed out of her office ..with 2 lovely injections that were going to have me with a hop ..skip and bounce in my walk ..." SO WRONG " !!!!
Just 2 hours after I arrived home ..and literally grabbed everything in site to hold onto to get me into the house ..and firmly planted myself in my chair. Pain ..I cannot describ the pain there was in walking ..once I sat a dull ache but try and stand ..and it was horrible ..!!!
She mentioned something about a possible flare up that could last 24 hours happening and I figured ..well if it was going to happen to anyone it would be me so this is what it was.
24 hours passed and no relief this time I was scared to arise just to go to the restroom...because I thought I was going to die...Being so blessed to live with my Parents and have their support ...Abbey (Mom) has taken such good care of me waiting on me hand and foot ..and Papa Fred ...well he lent me his cane ..which was a God Send ...I literally hobbled all me weight on it just to get to and fro the bathroom...
So here we are 4 days later and today is the first day I can actually stand up and walk ever so lightly and long enough to head out to the Orthopedic shoe store as I was directed to do ...and get myself some "REAL" shoes...not the $9.99 flip flops and flimsy running shoes I have been wearing so painfully for years now.
The gal at the shoe store took great care of me ..and actually explained things a heck of alot better than the Dr. (figures) ....and got me into some good running shoes ..arch support .some great socks ..and "FLIP FLOPS" ...I was so thanful ..I hate wearing closed shoes ..I love flip flops but they don't like me ....and when I found they had cute flip flops that made my Feet sing ...I was so happy I had to share a picture of my new flip flops ...I will be wearing all the time now ...even in the shower I don't only have the PF ...but also am suffering from Achilles tendonitis in both feet even standing in the shower is painful ..these flip flops will now remedy that issue ..and between my new shoes and arch supports me feet are on their way to healing may take a year or more ...but any relief is good considering what I have endured for 8 yrs now.

No more shopping at the normal shoe stores ..which is o.k. by me ..I never was a girl all about shoes anyway .... But I am going to dress these up a bit least the pairs I'll be getting to wear to shows ...a few Rhinestones will do the trick and add a touch of sparkle and femininity to them ...
As for those shots I got this week ...Nope won't be doing that again ..didn't really want to in the first place ..but I was at my wits ends ..the gal at the shoe store told me between the wearing the shoes all the time and some other tips and tricks she shared ..that my feet will heal with time ..and It may be a long while healing them ..she said look at the years it took them to get this way consider it's going to take some time to undo the hurt.
I guess that's true with lots of things in life ..sometimes it takes a long time to undo the hurt. And my feet aren't any different ...They are going through a slow forgiveness process with all I have put them throught ...LOL !!!
I'm hoping to be back up and going more steadily in the next few days ..I'm not used to all this sitting and as much as it's nice to be waited on ..well ..I'm not one for liking that too much ...but I am once again so thankful for my Loving, Caring Parents ...that have always been there to catch me when I fall !
On another note ..We are going to be part of the Grand Opening Sale at the Urban Barn in Escondido, CA ...July 16th - the 18th ...I have the details in my sidebar sure if your local come out and join us ..I hear the Grand Opening is going to be quite "GRAND" !!!
Wishing all my Blog friends a most Beautiful 4th of July weekend safe !!!
Blessings ..Sara
Hi Sara~ this just does NOT sound fun! I hope the new shoes and treatments help you!
ReplyDeleteHi Sara,
ReplyDeleteI am so gld to hear you are doing a wee bit better... where di you find these flippers? My Mom has some hideious shoes and would love some sweet flippers :) I am heading out to Childrens Hospital today for Hannahs EEG, Emily is still fighting a UTI, but all is good and God sure is MIGHTY and getting us through it all :) somehow some way, it all works out. I hope you have a great 4th, we will be gone in San Diego and home on the 4th, we r going to head over to the Storm Stadium to peek at fireworks that evening, Murrita does not do 4th fireworks.
Years ago, I had the same trouble but didn't resort to shots. I did resort to wearing Excellent shoes! and there's also a little widget, made by Dr. Scholl's, one wears under the ball of the foot. Apparently, additional support is required to alleviate the pain on the "rear" of the foot. Anyway, it worked for me and I've been pain free for years.
ReplyDeleteI wish you well.
ewwwwww, ok, shots in the foot!!! you were desprate, that sounds HORRIBLE!! I am soooo sorry, I cant imagine how bad that must of hurt!!! one of my friends has had sore feet forever, she went to the beauty supply and bought the hot wax for your hands, she dips her feet in, puts saran wrap and a towel around them for about 20 mins, says it really helps!!! you take care!
ReplyDeleteI was interested in knowing more about your condition becasue it sounds exactly what I have been feeling for about 6 months now. It is worse in the morning for me or when I sit for a long period of time. I just read this on a medical site and thought you should know. Maybe the doctor you saw was unaware? Best of luck to you and your healing. I feel your pain!
ReplyDelete"Cortisone injections are infrequently used in patients with Achilles tendonitis because studies have shown an increased incidence of Achilles tendon rupture after cortisone injections."