Thursday, March 31, 2011
Seasons of Change ..
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Romancing The Farmhouse ...

Monday, March 28, 2011
Cottage in The Garden ...This Friday and Saturday

Thursday, March 24, 2011
More Vintage Girl Necklaces just added to our Etsy Shop

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation and a pinch of creativity" Bo Bennett
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Change and Success ....

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Need a Good Laugh !

Sunday, March 20, 2011
A sparkling day at Glitterfest ...And the week leading up to it

Abbey and I were thrilled with our set up for this spring show. Lot's of White's and Creams ..with just a touch of pink ...A Soft, Sweet Comfortable Farmhouse and Cottage table ..

The attendance yesterday was amazing to say the least ..the aisles were amazingly full, tables lined up 3 or 4 women deep ...for the first few hours ...and steady all day long.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sneek Peek ...Glitterfest tomorrow !
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Would you like to be a Good Samaritan ?

Thursday, March 10, 2011
It's that time again ...Time for Glitterfest ..
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Good Gracious What a Day ..AND Picts. from the Chateau !
Gracious What a day ...!
Well the day started out with me working on some new lampshades ..
Them I saw our sweet Scout , Our Golden Retriever out in the back yard chewing on her leg.
This being a bad thing because she is 16 yrs of age and has a large tumor ( non cancerous) on that leg. Well by the time we made it out to tell her not to chew on it ..she had broke the skin and the tumor tissue was popping on throught the broken skin.
So Being that this family works off of one vehicle and that one vehicle was being used at the time by Papa Fred and he was an our away, we had to call him to come home so we could take her to the Vet.
Well we made it to the vet and the long and short of it is ..that she's too old to have surgery so she came home with us and we'll be bandaging that leg from now on hopes that maybe the skin will close back over the tumor and if not we'll cross that bridge when it comes..
However the Journey home was not lacking in it's own excitement. !!!!
While Abbey and I were traveling down a very busy 4 lane road with a very narrow center turn Lane ...The truck dies while driving it and being in the fast lane I luckily made it into the center lane. We frantically called papa fred ..asking what to do and while discussing that ..I tried to start it and WA LA started now we were off again and decided to take a back way home instead of the freeway for fear it would die on the freeway and we would be pulling a steep grade on the way home. Thank the good Lord we made that decision because sure enough it Died again and no less this time on a 2 lane road right smack dab in the middle of the lane ...!
Abbey and I directed traffic around us ..and eventually Papa Fred and my BIL came to help us ..but not before 2 nice Gentlemen stopped and helped us push it to the side of the Road. It's nice to know there are still "Gentlemen" still around willing to take the time to help. It Restores your faith in Human Kindness.
Well needless to say we made it home and the old truck will be headed to the mechanic tomorrow to figure out what in the world is wrong with it ... It's a head scratcher. It dies in the middles of driving it but starts back up 15 minutes later and you can drive it again ..I'll sure be interested to know WHY ?
So My Plans for the day and My Goals weren't met ... and I've heard it said before and have said it myself many a time's a good thing that we don't always know what a day will bring !
So I thought as I was sitting here unwinding tonight that I would share pictures of all many of the Chateau De Fleurs Vintage Marketplace Vendors and artisans from this last weekend .. Feel free to click on any picture in the slide show to view a larger version of the slide show.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Shops are full once again !
In The meantime Abbey and I are beginning work on our next event Glitterfest which is March 19th ... Not this Saturday but the following Saturday.