A garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing.
A garment, usually fastened in the back, worn over all or part of the front of the body to protect clothing.
Welcome to our Sweet Magnolias Farm .. Apronology Blog Party ...
First of all a Big Thank You to all who have signed up for our Free Apron Giveaway and for posting about our Party and Giveaway on your Blogs ... We are so grateful for your kindness !And we hope to see you posting your favorite aprons on your blog today and linking up here with us ..We look forward to a wonderful Party here all day ...be it big or small ..
Well today's the day when the 3rd Volume of Apronology hits the Magazine stands ..and We have to say it's so exciting to know a little piece of our hearts and our hands have been published in this volume and will be in the hands of so many throughout the nation ..
If you haven't ordered your issue then order now by clicking on the Cover Photo Below of this issue ...Or head to your local Barnes and Noble, or Joannes etc..and grab yourself a copy ...you will not be dissapointed ..the amazing artistry of aprons in this issue is fabulous !
Farmhouse Romance ..a style that defines sweet Magnolias Farm to a tee ..Simple, soft, worn, tattered, well loved and where a little country meets a little shabby ..
Our Farmhouse Aprons grew in our hearts early last year 2010 while working hard to bring new offerings to our Shows.
Our love of Lace and Vintage Linens ..Inspired us to create Unique One of a Kind Custom Aprons ..so that each person purchasing one would have something not mass produced, something unique only to them, something that made their heart sing as much as ours in the creating process...
Our Farmhouse Romance "Vintage Girl" Collection began with just 10 aprons ..

Today we are sharing .. 3 of our positively favorite aprons ..that have now found sweet homes to treasure them ...

Oh did I mention ..that these aprons are all the 3 pocket tool style aprons ..you wouldn't know it by looking at them we've disguised the pockets so well ..but there are 3 large deep pockets perfect for keeping everything including the kitchen sink in ..LOL !!!
Our Number 2 pick favorite apron ...Sparkles and Sparrows ...

We love Birds ... So the addition of the bird images to this early vintage linen front was perfection ...

This Sweet apron was headed to a tea party when it was purchased ...
Our 3rd Pick ... The Vintage Gypsy ...
The Definition of Femininity ! ...
Layers of Lace ..aged Seam Binding ...
Tiffins Apron ..is delightful ..and she too has been published in the new Apronology issue. You'll find her on pages 14 and 15... and you can visit her blog HERE ..and she's having a free apron giveaway too ..so go enter now ...
With long tendrils of Lace hanging, swishing and flowing ....freely to and fro ..like the Vintage Gypsy it is.
Our little Vintage Gypsy Found a Beautiful Home and If I remember correctly went to a wedding on the Beach ..accessorized over a white dress ..
Which is exactly what our vision was for them to be ..Aprons that were not bound by their domestic definition of Kitchen Duty ...but elevated to become a fashion accessory, wether romancing a pair of blue jeans, a casual dress or even a pair of overalls.
Aprons a Beautiful Way to feel feminine ..a Great Way to serve a Garden party, Dinner or Luncheon ... Perfect to wear marketing, gardening or walking ..and they are perfect when a tote or purse just won't do.
We have a few Farmhouse Aprons available now in our Etsy Shop ..if you would like to see our offerings click HERE ..
To see our aprons that made it into Apronology and read our step by step How to make your own article ... be sure to grab a copy of the new Volume 3 Apronology .....
Featuring ... Tiffin of Linwood Avenue...

We define Tiffins aprons ..as Delightful, Cheery, and Fresh ...They make you smile ..like when the Sun rises every morning ..and they are perfectly utilitarian .."Useful" ..
It's always Fun to see each of our expressions of design and artisty come to light ..Rather it be our Farmhouse Romance or Tiffins Fresh approach ..they all have a unique touch of the designer...
The many other artisans that are featured in this issue are so talented ..We were drooling over several of them ..wanting to slip it on and feel Girly...to our very core.
Thank You to Beth Livesay for considering our aprons ..and ultimately their being accepted ..! To Visit Beths Blog Coutoure over Coffee ..click HERE
Thank You to all those that Photographed, spell checked for our bad punctuation and grammer, and all the behind scenes work we don't know about. Thank you for the beautiful Layout ..From the Bottom of our Heart .. We are so Grateful and Thankful to all of you ...!!!
So Girls ..start linking up ... your blog posts below ...
We can't wait to see what you have to share ...