I don't give up and I'm not a quitter ...and even when I'm tired ...I just keep pushing ..LOL !!!
What a Busy day it's been ..did I mention the word "REST" in my last post ...???
Well just wipe that word away ...
Abbey and I had every intention of getting up today having a restful morning and then getting the house back in order ...you know how that goes ...when the option of shopping is given ..it's such a hard choice now isn't it. LOL !!!
Well we chose do I even need to say ...Yes shopping ..we headed out to hit the local garage sales ..and drove for about 20 minutes and found NADA ...when on the way home we happened on one lone sale that didn't look like much and Abbey said go on and I said well I think I'm going to stop and just see ..So we did ...about 3 hours later yes 3 we came home ..with a back seat full of ...should I say it o.k. you twisted my arm ... Antique and Vintage Lace ...3 antique violin cases, an antique floor lamp ...a vintage night table ..and well some other stuff too !
Of course the Lace was my favorite ..I mean oodles of it ..as if I don't have enough ..should enough really be in an antiquers vocabulary anyhow ..I mean really where do we stop with collections anyhow ? They say to decorate in odd #s 3's 5's 7's etc ....just about the time we think we might end a collection we realize we are in the evens and just need 1 more to make it odd right ..and then what happens we go out on our search for the 1 perfect piece to finish out the collection and we find 2 ..making us even again so that we have to plan another trip to get that next odd numbered piece ...ROFL !!!! Well that's how I feel about lace ..just when I think I've packed another drawer full and that's the end I find some more and well a girl just can't walk away can she ? Isn't that somewhere in the Antique Book of Mortal Sins ...!
Anyhow ...with all the excitement somewhere I found some energy I didn't have when I rolled out of bed this morning ...I had that great find energy ....Well that was until we returned home and all the cleaning was staring me in the face ...and somehow I felt tired again ...LOL !!! No we got some cleaning done ...
So here's a few fun pictures to share with you of our finds this morning
I was telling Abbey today ...that I remember as a child when she took me to Jessica McClintocks store when I was a little girl ... they had lace and yardage for sale way back when ..as well as when we went to Fabric King ..I wanted to stay in those stores and not leave ...I loved all the rolls of ribbon and lace and bolts of yardage ..I loved hearing the scissors cut through the fabric and click along the cutting table ..I remember it actually made me so relaxed as a child I could have curled up right there on the spot and napped ...So you see my love of lace goes way back ..I think it's just part of my being ....
Did I mention the heap of vintage jewelry we got too ...
And how about this old silk cording card ..this will make for fabulous graphics !!!
Oh and another love ...buckles ..rhinestones ..metal and mother of Pearl Oh My !
A way sweet Picnic basket ..the little square kind ...
Decorative Iron work ....now these are Fabulous ....and I'm sure they'll be headed to our shops very soon ... along with all the other finds I didn't even get pictured here ...
And how about this old silk cording card ..this will make for fabulous graphics !!!
Well after shopping and some cleaning ...I decided it was finally time to start getting some things back in our Etsy shop ..and to start with I listed 4 of our Vintage Girl Upcycled Necklaces tonight ...
I took Pictures yesterday ...and figured I couldn't let them get dusty sitting in their file and I better get in gear and get them listed ...so I just dug deep found some energy somewhere heavens know's where it was hiding at ...and just finished listing them ...
I thought I would give you a sneek peek at the 4 I listed ...and of course I'll be listing more hopefully over the next few days ..