Good Day After Christmas ..to all my Kindred Friends.
After four years, he returned to his Charleston, S.C., home and brought with him some of the plants. The Mexicans call it the "flower of the holy night," and associate it with a story about a little girl who wept on her way to church on Christmas Eve because she had no gift to bring.
As she knelt on the ground to pray, she saw this lovely plant and gladly took its red beauty into the church as her Christmas gift to the Christ child. Even the holly plant can be viewed as a symbol that points Christians to Jesus. For centuries, holly symbolized the coming of spring.
Its thorny leaves prompted Christians to use it as a reminder of Christ's passion during the joyous Christmas celebration.
Legend has it that a shepherd brought a sprig of holly to the stable on Christmas night as a gift to the Christ child. Its leaves glistened in the moonlight, and its berries were snow white.
As baby Jesus reached out to receive this humble gift, the berries suddenly turned a deep red. Holly has since become a symbol for many of the expectation of Christ's passion. The prickly leaves represent the crown of thorns, which Christ wore during his crucifixion, and the berries symbolize the blood Christ shed for humanity. hope is these legends will bring Christian significance to a holiday that has become so secular. May you not look at a Christmas tree or a holly plant or a poinsettia in the same way again.
My Christmas wish is that when you look at these various symbols of Christmas, you will not only appreciate their beauty, but also see the face of Jesus Christ.
Warm Winter Blessings ...and Merry Christmas
A candymaker in Indiana wanted to makea candy that would be a witness, so he made the Christmas Candy Cane. He Incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ.
He began with a stick of pure white, hard candy. White to symbolize the Virgin Birth and the sinless nature of Jesus and hard to symbolize the Solid Rock, the Foundation of the Church, and firmness of the Promise of God.
The Candymaker made the candy in the form of a "J" to represent the precious name of Jesus, who came to earth as our Saviour. It could also represent the staff of the "Good Shepherd" with which he reaches down into the ditches of the world to lift our the fallen lambs who, like all sheep, have gone astray.
Thinking that the candy was some what plain, the candymaker stained it with red stripes. He used three small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed. The Large red stripe was for the blood shed by Christ on the cross so that we could have the Promise of Eternal Life.
Unfortunately, the candy became known as a candy cane a meaningless decoration seen at Christmas Time. But the meaning is still there for those who"Have eyes to see and ears to hear." I Pray that this symbol will again be used to witness TO THE WONDER OF JESUS AND HIS GREAT LOVE that came down at Christmas and remains the ultimate and dominate force in the universe today.
To see Renee's Etsy treasury click HERE
Thanks Renee and Merry Christmas !!!