Just a few weeks back, I had the absolute pleasure of meeting a "special" friend...
I say special for a number of reasons .. One we are sisters in Christ ...two because we love so many of the same vintage things... and Well three because we met in a very special way to begin with!
Back in February when for the first time our Farmhouse Aprons had been published in Apronology ... The day it came out Abbey and I were thrilled. It wasn't about anything more than how fun it was to see our aprons in print and that they would be shared with the rest of the world. How exciting was that. I never dreamed that, that first day would bring an immediate response ..but it did ..and it was from my Sweet New Friend Nora !
The evening the publication came out, she had found our aprons and found our Etsy shop ..and there sat a little note and order for one of our aprons and a few other vintage goodies saying she had found us in Apronology ..and you don't know how my heart was leaping with joy and excitement ..that our aprons had been noticed and loved by someone and so quickly ! It made me feel so special and gave me a glimmer of hope.. that the work of mine and Abbey's hands was being loved by another. It's a moment in time that is etched in my memories forever.
To my excitement and I must add uncertainty .. Nora e-mailed me a month or so ago ..she'd be vacationing for Mother's day nearby where we live and wanted to meet with us ..
I think we are always excited to meet new faces and friends we have here in the world of computers ..but it does come with a little nervous reservation ..and after meeting we both found we felt the exact same way. But all that was washed away ..and we had a charming afternoon together !
The Friday before Mother's Day ..Nora and I Met up .. her brother and son were along ..and they were absolutely Great !..
We all had Lunch at the Famous In- N -Out Burger Joint here on the west coast .,..and I now may add Texas ..Yeah Texas !
We then Headed over to old Town Temecula ..to hit a few shops that Nora wanted to spend some time in and of course she wanted to see Old Town Temcula !

This beautiful Manniquen and Wire Beeskeep ..were two of my favorites we happened on .. although there were alot of Beautiful offerings every place we went

Nora is a Beautiful Gal inside and out ..Her love of the Lord truly shines through ..and I cannot tell you what an absolute pleasure it was to meet her.. I hope our meeting again is not far off and I know if we lived closer we would be enjoying many fun adventures in vintage shopping...

It was a Sweet Meeting ..and I now have a Sweet new Friend .. A friend of the heart .. a vintage Friend .. A friend in Christ.
Thank You Nora ..for a wonderful day .. it's one I won't forget !
ahhhh, how sweet!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day! I'm sure Nora was excited to have a tour guide!
ReplyDeleteSee ya soon Sweetie!
xo, Amber
Sounds like a great day! The white basket came yesterday and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
What a wonderful day you had!
ReplyDeleteI've recently met a few fellow bloggers and it was just so much fun!
treasuresMay 23, 2011 at 5:24 PM
Such a sweet post about your new friend! How wonderful to meet a kindred spirit through blogland.
ReplyDelete~ Julie
Sweet Sara,
ReplyDeleteWhat a pleasure it was to meet you and go treasure hunting! So much to see and take in, I could have stayed longer! Too much fun!!
I so enjoyed my Mother's Day weekend in California, what a beautiful area you live and work in!
Thank you for listening to your heart and taking the plunge to meet a total stranger. You are a one of a kind sweetheart!
(The best treasure I found was our new friendship)
Everything so charming and beautiful, Celeste, victoriantailor.com