Thursday, September 25, 2014

3 More ... Sweet Magnolias Farm ~ Farmhouse Pumpkins now available !

Just a quick Hey there and how Ya All Doin' ..?
I hope Great and your enjoyin' the fall weather ...
Looks like our first day of lower temps starts tomorrow and I hope I lasts .. because I'm sure achin' for some chilly nights and cool windy fall days.
I'm ready to put my feet up and start the fireplace roaring .. ready for some hot chocolate and toast .. ready to wear my flannel pjs and slippers, ready to pull out my scarves .. Well gosh I'm just ready for Fall !
Abbey and I somehow managed to get 3 more of our Farmhouse pumpkins completed .. so I just wanted to pop in and say Hey and let you all know if you missed out on a pumpkin recently's a few more to choose from ..
Each of these are made from vintage feedsack and hand-dyed to a beautiful verigated  pumpkiny~yam color .. Yummy   !
Each one is different .. thus "one of a Kind"

You can find them in the shop HERE

Monday, September 22, 2014

Burpees Seed Packet ... Sweet Magnolias Farm Free Printables and Clip Art

Happy Monday to you Y'all !
I Found this in our stash of  paper goods this last week ..
We picked this up many years ago when we lived in Missouri.
This Package would have been where they would hand write in what kind of seed you were purchasing in the center lines.
Enjoy ♥
Check out our Free Printables on on our Free Printables page above ...

Saturday, September 20, 2014

More Sweet Magnolias Farm Originals ~ Vintage Linen and Lace Farmhouse Pumpkins just added to the shop ! ...

Hi Gals...
Just wanted to let you all know we just added a
Fresh Picked Batch of Pumpkins to the shop
These are all made from Vintage Linens and Lace ...
Once again each one is a one of a kind
From Xtra Large Pumpkins that are 39 inches around and 25 inches tall ..

To... our Small and Baby pumpkins ....

Beautiful Hand Embroidered Vintage linen... and checkout the cane top on the far right one .. love how it came out and so unique too ! 

And ... Charming hand-dyed lace in fashionable fall colors ...
The X-large pumpkins make stunning centerpieces for dining tables perfect for Thanksgiving .. they look stunning on entry tables, Oversized coffee tables , or even on the Hearth ..
Our Smaller pumpkins look charming tucked in a fall display, a country cupboard or a basket filled with fall leaves ..
Each one is made by hand here at the farmhouse by
Abbey and Myself .. these are a true work of the heart .. and we are only able to produce so many per year ..
They are wonderfully filled with sawdust .. so unlike polyfill they won't lose their shape or end up with an odd shape after being packed away .... You just give em' a hug and a squeeze if they need plumping ..  Plus they just feel wonderful with our special sawdust filling .. !
You can take a gander at them in our shop .. right HERE 
Hope you all have a great weekend .. I'm already enjoying mine it's cloudy and cool and a nice onshore breeze is blowing in the back door .. mmmm heaven !

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by God ~ Our Daily Bread...

Did you know you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God  ? Do you know you Matter to Him ? Do you know that your life has significance in this world ... no matter where you live, what job you have or haven't, rather your single or married, young or old, handicapped or not, etc. ..
you matter to God !
This Mornings Devotion ( which I have added below) by Gwen Smith truly touched my heart because I have struggled with allowing the world to define me over the years as a younger woman and as I have grown older I realized that I shall never be properly or perfectly defined by the world but only by God ..if only I had learned that so much earlier in my youth ..but we can all say "if only" for a lot of things in life now can't we. the good thing is I have learned it .. and really all that matters is what God thinks of my life, following his direction, praising him for the good times along with the tough times and leaving each day up to him. 
I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God .. and I only hope that I shall be remembered as a gal who loved and served her Lord .. ..
Enjoy Gwen's devotion below .. I enjoyed reading about Grandma Eisaman and her undying spirit even in adversity ..

September 19, 2014
Significant Who? Significant You!

Gwen Smith

Today’s Truth
Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)
Friend to Friend
Gertie. That was her name. To me she was Grandma Eisaman, and she lived right across the street when I was a young girl. She was famous in our small town of Irwin, PA for both her engaging personality and her mad baking skills.

Her specialties? Pineapple upside down cake, cinnamon sticky buns, and apple dumplings that were served piping hot in a bowl a la mode. (I just drooled on my computer.)
She was most famous, however, for her homemade bread. Breathe it in and smell it with me. It was melt-in-your-mouth magic.
When I was about eight years old, Grandma taught my sister Elise and I how to make her homemade bread. I still warmly remember so many of the details. We used a large yellow Tupperware bowl, Crisco, Fleishman’s Yeast packets, hot water, sugar, lots of flower, and a pinch of salt.
Elise and I worked the process.
Grandma’s process.
We mixed, kneaded, formed, and baked the bread just like we were taught. And each time we did, the house took on the smell of heaven and every neighbor and visitor was happy to share in the bread-love.
Beyond baking bread, another great lesson that we learned from Grandma Eisaman is that adversity
does not define us.
When she was just 58 years old, grandma had a massive stroke that paralyzed the entire left side of her body. She lived the final five years of her life handicapped, yet chose not to be defined by her limitations.
Life was hard after the stroke. Getting around took a good deal of effort. Her face didn’t look the same. It drooped on one side. Her body didn’t cooperate. I’m sure that was frustrating. Her life-pace had to slow down.
Even still, she fought through adversity and, over time, learned to walk with a cane, and even re-learned how to drive her car (with a few modifications). How cool is that?  And she went on living.
She continued to play bridge with her friends, was a leader at her church, and she baked.
Though her life took an unexpected and challenging turn, Grandma Eisaman continued to laugh with, bless, and serve others… at church… in the community… and in the kitchen by baking and giving away countless loaves of fresh baked homemade bread.

Her significance was not defined by her challenges.
Her significance was not defined by her limitations.
She knew who she was in the eyes of her Creator. The One who knew her before she was even knit together in her momma’s womb.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know Whose you are?
Do you allow your challenges, your past, your thoughts, your experiences, or your limitations to define you – or do you allow God to determine your significance?
The struggle with finding significance looks different in each season of a woman’s life. A college student might search for validation in her sorority or GPA, a young mom has to fight to find her importance in stinky diaper changes and 3am feedings, while an empty nester or single sister might try to find success in leading a Bible study or in her volunteer work.
No one understands the insecurities of a woman like another woman. I’m with you in the battle, friend. I’ve wasted a fair amount of time in my own life searching for significance in the approval of others and of God.
The secret to our significance is found in the heart of God.
In His heart for us.
Here are a few reminders from the Bible:
Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26a, 27)
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
I’m a woman of many fleshy failures. Imperfect as they come. I’ve got challenges, frustrations, and insecurities, just like you, that bid to define me. But ONLY GOD has the right to define any of His creations. The Bible teaches that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) – and that
God has a purpose for every life, and His purpose is fully centered on HIS glory, not ours.
We can make sense of our significance based on Whose we are, not on what we can or cannot do. Not on what our boss says, what people around us say, or what our culture says. When we allow our significance to be found and defined in the grace of Jesus Christ, we gain a fresh, and compelling understanding of our incredible value.
And if we can bake awesome homemade bread too – all the better.
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord,
Help me to accept that You are the One who gets to define my significance. I really want to get this! Please sift through my thoughts, doubts, insecurities, and emotions that leave me feeling like less instead of more.
In Jesus’ name,
Now It’s Your Turn
Don’t gloss over this message! Consider where you really are with this. Reflect. Repent if needed. Respond to God in prayer. Go deep with Him. And be honest. God can handle your honesty. I’d love to hear what’s on your heart with all of this. Please CLICK HERE to visit my blog or my Facebook page and leave a comment. Let’s take the conversation deeper and encourage one another. (And while you’re there, let me know what your baking specialty is!!)


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all ... a look back at my Scarecrow Costume

Happy Fall Y'all
Well Fall is just a few days away ..and I've been reminiscing.
Many years back I worked as a waitress .. I worked for several restaurants one of which was "Marie Callender's" which is mainly here on the west coast but I know there were a few in other states as well.
During the Halloween season if you happened to be scheduled to work on Halloween night they would request that you would dress up .. Of course even then I loved harvest time and fall .. and what better costume than a scarecrow .. ! So Abbey and I devised this costume ..
( Picture was shot with those throw away camera's that were so popular at the time)
We bought a straw hat at the craft store .. along with some floral items .. a Black Bird, Sunflowers, Corn and Straw ..and attached them to the top of the hat ..with a mixture of Hot Glue and Wire, ( getting the bird to stay upright was a little challenging) It was funny though every time I tried it on and the poor bird just flopped over like it was dead .. I remember laughing till my belly hurt.
I wanted long straw hair ..but straw obviously would have been a bit messy so we made a wig from raffia .. and glued it way up inside the hat .
We used some of Abbey's make up and did up my face with a cute red nose with black stitches ..
Then I had a flannel already in my wardrobe and grabbed a pair of dad's old Wrangler jeans and with our craft paints we hand painted, sunflowers, a bird, a patch and hearts on the front of the jeans .the backs were painted too ..but we didn't photograph them all those years ago I can't remember what was on the back .. other than I know I put a red bandana coming out of one pocket.
We Used Sisal Rope and made suspenders to hold up my oversized Dad Jeans... back then I was skinny and he was chunky ..all these years later ..we've had a bit of a role reversal ..he's skinny and I'm chunky ..LOL !
Lastly I wore a pair of Knit Garden Gloves in Black ..we cut holes and put raffia out the holes so I looked like a genuine scarecrow that had, had it's stuffing plucked out by the blackbirds .. we added raffia ties at my wrists and ankles for a little more genuine scarecrow style and a corn cob pipe to my shirt pocket and I was ready to go .. well not quite,
Being the skinny minny that I was back then ..I didn't quite have that nice robust stuffed scarecrow quality we had to come up with stuffing and I mean last minute right before I was headed out the door to work.. so we grabbed Plastic grocery bags and started stuffing ..shirt, pants,  etc ... this is where I have a tip..
 don't stuff your clothes with plastic bags .. Yah somehow we cleverly created the costume and got a little un-clever with the stuffing by not thinking through that in my job as a waitress on a busy Halloween night .. it lends to a gal perspiring and boy those plastic bags were a major killer .. ! Sweat wasn't the word for it .. Luckily I perspired without any odor ..thank goodness I would have been so thoroughly embarrassed.
The Fun thing was the plastic bags crinkled and crackled when I moved so I sounded like I was really stuffed with straw ..LOL !
It was a fun night ..the guests enjoyed my costume .. and I always love putting a smile on peoples faces so it was definitely a great night.
If you're headed to a Fall Festival in your local town or at a church ..etc .. a scarecrow makes a fun costume rather your 1 or 101 ..


Here's another gal that dressed up as a scarecrow ..and she's so adorable

(found on Kastles )


Wishing you all ...

HarVeSt BleSsiNgS 

House Wren, Jenny Wren Bird ~ Sweet Magnolias Farm Free Printables & Clip Art

This Charming "useful Birds of America" Card put out by Arm & Hammer Church's Baking Soda
is so Beautiful...



This is the back side of the original Card shown above. I love the nostalgia of these old pieces .. We just don't see companies offer such advertising today's definitely a thing of the past ..
Check out our "Free Printables" page for more great vintage designs.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Custom Farm ~ Brella ... A Sweet Magnolias Farm Original

Well I hope this post finds you all having a beautiful "almost fall" day .. we are on the official countdown to the first day of fall .. and we are nipping at it's heels .... I just wish the weather would cooperate here in our neck of the woods.

It's been exceedingly Hot here for the last week and half 100's + ... and I'm feeling it.... Yesterday it was well over 100 again but the reprieve was we got a little stormy weather .. the thunder clouds piled up the lighting and thunder arrived and a little bit of rain.. nothing much to add to our drought ridden land though .. .. there's only so long a person can handle that many days of constant heat before you begin to get a little irritable yesterday was that day for me..but this morning I'm feeling better.  I've tried staying indoors and pretty much have managed to do so ...but I'm definitely ready for some cool weather so we can throw open the doors and windows and let some refreshing breezes blow in .. it looks like we just may get a few cooler days starting tomorrow and I'm thrilled about that.

Yesterday I completed a custom Order for one of our Farm ~ Brella's ... it turned out really charming and I had to share some pictures .. these are always a one of a kind item I make so if I don't get photos you can just forget me remembering what they looked like or having the option to share ideas with clients wanting to purchase one ... .... 

The combination of floral check and burlap fabrics look so beautiful together .. and I love the "Farm Fresh Truck" Design that we added to the burlap sections which was requested by the client ..

This will make the most charming display piece ..

When I am asked to make one our Farm ~ Brella's ..I always have to set aside a good amount of time to work on one .. It truly is a work of the heart .. Getting everything just the right size .. and to fit the skeleton of the umbrella frame is always a little challenging.. a good amount of hand sewing goes into these so they are very time consuming  ( we make each one from a vintage umbrella frame ) .. but in the end it's always worth the extra effort ..because I love how they turn out ..

This Farmbrella we made for "The Farmer's Wife" in Temecula Ca .. in 2012 ..
It looked absolutely lovely with her dishes she was offering at that time ..
 Wishing you all a Day full of Joy !

Monday, September 15, 2014

Decorative Vintage Scissors and Bobbin of Thread ~ Sweet Magnolias Farm Free Printables and Clip Art

This charming Decorative Pair of Scissors with a bobbin of thread .. is perfect for those of us who love to sew ...
I have also posted them in their original color and have tinted them in pink as well.... you can find the other two on our Free Printable page above in the tabs ..

Saturday, September 13, 2014

From Scratch Biscuits and Sweet Milk Gravy .... ~ N ~ the Kitchen with Sweet Magnolias Farm

Good Saturday Morning to you all !
Well .. I don't think I have ever shared ...
That My favorite Breakfast is none other than Biscuits and Gravy ..
Homemade that is .. !
Now in a pinch I'll have some canned biscuits but it's gotta be dire straits ... Or instead of biscuits we'd be making donuts...
I've loved biscuits and gravy since I was a little girl...
Mom has always been a from scratch cook .. She's one of those people that just has the gift for cooking ..and makes the best down home comfort food ever !  I grew up eating her biscuits and gravy .. and to me they are the best !
I do my fair share of cooking .. she's taught me over the years .. but it never comes out tasting quite as good as hers .. there's just something about her touch that makes the food taste amazing and gives you the comfort that comes with homemade by mom.
Over the years because of my adoration for Biscuits and Gravy .. we've tried a number of different Biscuit recipes and even in the last 6 months with the popularity of  Pinterest and all those recipes that get pinned we've tried a few more .. and after much consideration of seeing if we could top the biscuits she makes .. well we just didn't have a winner .. but that's just purely personal.
We prefer a tried and true biscuit that is light, airy and layered .. We found that the other biscuit recipes we tried .. were super dense, dry, and thick like bread.  I've had this style biscuit at restaurants and although it was good for restaurant eating .. I'll stick with our light and airy homemade biscuits any day.
Mom's biscuit recipe comes from her original 1960's Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook.
These are pretty simple and quick to bake .. takes about 15 minutes to prepare the dough and 10 minutes to bake them.
We usually just bake a batch in our toaster oven in the morning so we don't have to turn on the big oven .. They bake up beautifully and it saves on the all that Gas for a little pan of biscuits and all that heat especially when we are baking in the summer which lasts a long time here ..Now when winter rolls around we just crank the big oven on and let the heat warm the house ..
So If you're a homemade Biscuits and Gravy Lover like me ...
Here's Some picts of our Saturday Morning Breakfast and our recipe which we hope you love as much as we do !

Mom's cookbook .. it's worn out and just about falling apart ..Pages are loose .. and some frayed at the edges .. it's been well loved and the food from it.. made with love and enjoyed thoroughly !
If you don't have this cookbook ... Here's a scan of the page .. simply right click and save to your "My Pictures" ...and then Print it out ..
Original recipe off of scan above Reads:
2 Cups sifted all purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 cup shortening
2/3 cup milk
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, cream of tartar, and sugar. Cut in shortening until texture resembles course crumbs. Add milk all at once; stir only till dough follows fork around bowl. Turn out on lightly floured surface; knead gently 1/2 minute.
Pat or roll 1/2 inch thick; cut with biscuit cutter.
Bake on ungreased cookie sheet in very hot oven (450) degrees 10 to 12 minutes. Makes 16 medium biscuits
TIPs :
Sometime we use our non-fat milk to make these .. they do turn out they are just not quite as rich.
We always use shortening .. this is one reason the biscuits are light and airy ( we use Crisco just plain NOT butter flavored)
Sometimes we will add some extra milk .. if the dough seems a little dry in the bowl after stirring .. but just a little...
We  use our wood bread board to flour and pat the dough out .. it makes for easy clean up just carry the bread board to the trash or sink to clean off and leaves the counter fairly clean this way.
We hand pat the dough out .. and then we use a small juice glass for out cutter .. we dip the edge of the glass in the flour and then cut the biscuits .. you will need to re-dip the edge of the glass in flour for each cut so your biscuits don't stick to the rim and come out easy ..same thing if you use a cutter !
As I mentioned when we bake ours in our Oster toaster oven .. We put them in and set the timer for 2 minutes .. once they have baked for 2 minutes we put a piece of foil just lightly laid over the top of them and set the timer for 5 minutes .. this keeps the tops from burning in the toaster oven then after the 5 minutes we take the foil off and re-set the timer for 2 more minutes so they can brown on top .. every oven will vary in how it bakes so you will just need to experiment with your oven the first time to get it right for you...

Quick and Easy Homemade Sweet Milk Gravy:
We make a pretty quick and easy homemade gravy there's not really any set recipe we just put a little of this and that until it comes out here's an approx. recipe for you all ...
All you need is:
Flour  approx 1/4 to 1/3 Cup
Sausage or Bacon Grease ( corn oil can be used in a pinch)  approx.1/4 Cup
Milk (we use lactaid free non-fat) any milk will work 2 to 3 cups
Salt and Pepper to taste
First you want to get your oil hot .. then add in the flour a little at a time stirring constantly while allowing the flour to brown... Once the flour has a nice browned look ( not burned) ... then add in your milk a little at a time stirring constantly... you will start off with a thick paste and as you add your milk and stir it will turn into a nice thick or thin gravy all depending on how much milk you add .. Add salt and pepper while stirring we just add a little of each to taste.
The gravy will set up thicker as it cools .. and can be reheated the next day just simply turn on the fire, add some milk, stirring constantly and it will re liquefy. That is if you have left overs.
P.S. we Love Bacon or Sausage with our B&G .. this morning we had or favorite sausage .. Jimmy Deans Maple Sausage ... Love the maple flavor !  Our Favorite bacon is Coleman ..which is a natural bacon which we buy at the local Sprouts Market.  If we could find a natural maple sausage we'd be super happy ! and a year ago .. you would have found a scrambled egg on my plate too... but for some reason about 8 - 9 months ago eggs started making me sick .. Never had that problem before so I just stopped eating them but how I do miss my scrambled eggs piled high on my B&G !

And if you're just not a gravy kind of person ...
Well they are amazingly good biscuits with just a bit of melted butter .. in fact sometimes I will admit to eating them without gravy .. because these biscuits have such great flavor without the gravy ! 

Yes this Farm Girl will work for Biscuits .. I've been known to trade a little work for some homemade biscuits..

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sweet Magnolias Farm Original Farmhouse Pumpkins ... Just added to the shop ..

Hey Y'all ..
We just added 5 of our Sweet Magnolias Farm Original Pumpkins to the shop ..
They are all made from Vintage Feed/Flour Sacks with Vintage Wood Spindle Stems .. Burlap leaves and Flowers... Each one is handmade here at the farmhouse and each one is a one of a kind ..
These take some time to make .. so we are always limited each year on how many we are able to offer ..
They are filled with Sawdust .. NOT Polyfill .. so each year when you bring them out of storage they are easy to re-shape just give em' a squeeze and a hug .. Plus they just feel absolutely wonderful filled with sawdust ...
Check them out in our shop HERE

Free Printables ~ Sewing Machine and Camping Chair

Charming 1960's Vintage Sewing Machine ..
Vintage Folding Camping Chair ..

Enjoy ♥
 Don't forget to check out our free printables page above for more great prinatbles ..

Saturday, September 6, 2014

~ Devotion ~ Our Daily Bread........... and a Devotional Giveaway !

Good Saturday Morning to you all ...
Well it's a Hot Humid Day here already .. supposed to hit 100 degrees and I wouldn't be surprised if it actually ends up hotter .. Hope you all are enjoying a cooler day wherever your neck of the woods is !
Have you ever had one of those moments where a single word stands out to you more one day than it ever has before ..
Well I had one of those days today !
As I was reading one of my daily devotions ... the actual devotion was just about that "DEVOTION" ..
What the word actually means ..
 Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.
Ezra 7:10 (NIV)
Here's an excerpt from this mornings devotion:
Are you familiar with phrases about having our daily devotions? Where did that term originate? We don't know when the word devotions was first used for our periods of Bible study and prayer, but it's appropriate. The word devotion means "earnest affection for a person or a cause." It's a better term than the word commitment. We can be committed to a cause out of sheer duty; but to be devoted implies commitment plus affection.
I love how that excerpt defines devotion as "earnest affection for a person or a cause" because that's how I feel about my Dear Sweet Lord Jesus !  ..
However when reading my devotions in the morning be they in book form or e-mail .. I won't say I thought of them as sheer duty ... but it was something I did before starting my day because I wanted too, because it was a tool for learning, because it helped me through my day, but I never formed the thought or word affection with it .. however there is true affection in all of my reasons for reading my devotions and being committed to doing so each day ...
As I have grown older words and their meanings have grown more important to me. We have become a society that throws words around that have significant meaning yet we use them so lightly or in ways that are inappropriate. I love learning the true meaning and definitions of words it helps me see and understand things clearer in life.
One of our Favorite Devotions here at Sweet Magnolias Farm .. is
"Jesus Calling" By Sarah Young

About 10 or 12 years ago ..I can't remember the actual date or Year .. we were going though some rough times in our family. I had been earnestly praying , reading my bible and searching for God's answers and for his help to walk me through the dark valley we were living in .. I went to Wal-Mart..yep good ol' wallymart ... I imagine for groceries or incidentals .. and I wandered onto the book aisle something not unfamiliar for me to do ..I have always enjoyed reading for pleasure and learning.  I was searching through the books and I saw this Jesus Calling Devotional .. Picked it up flipped through the pages to see what it was all about ..landed on a devotion it .. and it was meant to be .. God Spoke to my heart that day right in the aisle of Wal-Mart through one devotion off the pages of this book .. and I was reminded once again he was with me and would indeed walk me through the difficulties we were facing. And Yes he did .. it was a long journey but it was worth the uphill battle that ensued for nearly 2 years ..and in the end we came out better for it.  Of course I purchased the book that day .. and all these years later I love it as dearly as the day I purchased it ..
Since then I have also purchased Sarah Young's second devotional .. Jesus Today
It's also a beautiful devotional to start or even end your day with .. at one point I was reading Jesus Calling in the morning and Jesus today before going to bed each night ..
Have you ever read the story in the front of the Jesus Calling Book about how Sarah Young came to write "Jesus Calling" .. if you haven't it's a must read ! We have the original devotional "Two Listeners" which Abbey found in an antique mall that inspired Sarah.
If you are wanting a devotion that speaks to the heart .. messages sent from God .. then Jesus Calling and Jesus Today are what you are looking for ..
There are several places that offer them for sale online .. Christian  offers them individually or the pair HERE
I think Wal-Mart, Sams Club and even recently they were at Costco for your brick and Mortar shops .. and I'm sure others also.

 And If you want to try your luck ..
you can enter the giveaway below ...
There are no mandatory requirements for entering .. if you would like to share about this giveaway that's completely up to you .. Otherwise all you need to do is enter below by using your FB info or your e-mail ..neither of which will be used for any purpose other than picking and contacting the winners.
Please only Enter if you are in the contiguous 48 states.
There will be 2 Lucky Winners which will each get the Pair of Devotions ..

Giveaway will end on Saturday September 13th

Winners will be notified Saturday Septemer the 13th and will have 24 hours to claim their prize .. if not claimed in 24 hours a new winner will be picked.
