Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Hello Dear Blog Friends !
It's been a long while since I posted .. and I think it's about time for me to finally return...Thank The Lord !
This Scripture from Psalm 61:2 .. can pretty much sum up the Journey of this last year for not only myself but for my family... Many times we found our Hearts overwhelmed and our Rock and Redeemer is where we turned our hearts and he sustained us just as he promises.

So The Good and Wonderful News is that Dad is on the mend .. It's been about 6 weeks since they removed the last drain which I can tell you just terrified all of us, fearing that they were taking it out to soon and we would end up back at the hospital to have it re-inserted ...But our Fears never came to pass .. and amazingly Within days we began to see a huge upswing in Dad's health. In the last week to 10 days I have to admit he is as close to what normal was before he got sick .. Still a little sore where all those muscles were cut for surgery but that's to be expected ..but he's back to walking Flossie twice daily, Driving, and he's even been to visit his buddies at the shooting range twice in the last 10 days ..So I would say he's pretty much doing AWESOME ! Thank You Lord for hearing all of the prayers that were lifted up.
It's hard to believe a year has past .. so much has happened in such a short span of time .. it's like a whirlwind in my mind to look back at all that we experienced and all that we accomplished in that time and the truth is that it was through the strength of the Lord that any of it happened, We never could have climbed the mountain that stood before us without the helping and guiding hand of our sweet Lord Jesus.
I know so many of you were praying for us and I can't express how much that means to us to know that you cared enough to say a prayer in our behalf even though many of you didn't know us personally. There is such goodness in the heart of so many. I can truly say that your prayers were felt .. Peace was at the root of this entire journey .. even in times of crisis The Peace that Passeth Understanding was placed in all our hearts.
Each Day I do begin it with a grateful heart ......
There's so much to be thankful for .. the simplest yet most valuable thing as groceries in our frig and cupboard, Cold water that flows from out faucet, warm blankets to cover up with, clothing that fills our closets, warm beds to crawl in at night when we are tired and need refreshing from busy days, and the list could go on. As Americans we are Rich beyond our wildest dreams .. we have a vast wealth that cannot be imagined by many other countries .. Every day should be a grateful day if for just these things.
I'm so grateful that for my Dad that he has been given that blessing of healing. The Journey we have had, could have gone in a much different direction we are fully aware of that. I am grateful that for now we still have him in our lives .. and I hope that we have him around for a lot of years to come. I shall be grateful for him because I know so many others that have lost a loved one and how their heart aches to have them back .. I am grateful that I have him until it's time for him to journey on to his permanent home with our Lord Jesus.
I'm hoping to be back blogging more often as time allows in the days and weeks to come. I spent 3 days last week cleaning out and reorganizing the garage and if you could see our 2 car garage stacked side to side back to front and to the top was no small task ..but it was time to start prepping for a Yard Sale .. So it's all organized and cleaned up with some much needed additional space and now this weekend it's on to the back yard ..Yes where I have more of the good stuff stored ..After my last market in September of last year the area was torn to smitherines and I can't even lay my eyes on it without having a sick tummy at the mess that was left due to that quick surgery that happened with dad right after .. Anyhow that's on the agenda for my weekend .. Trying to take back control of our home after letting it all go for so long.
Again Thank You all for your Prayers and Comments they meant the world to us and If ever you are in need of prayer for any situation please feel free to drop us a line, we would be honored to add you to our own prayer list. God Calls us to take care of each other and Prayer is the most important way we can do that ..
Until Next Time
Wishing you all a Beautiful and Blessed Week and Weekend !