About 6 to 7 years ago our family had hit a very tough and dark time in life .. I think many of us have experienced tough dark times in life .. and during that time I put my comlete trust and confidence (FAITH) in God that he would help me endure the time and that we would come out of it better people .. kinder more compassionate and understanding and even loving. I was taught early on that instead of letting your circumstances define you in a negative way .. that you should let them define you in a positive way .. looking at how those circumstances could carve out a better you.
During that time I went one evening to Wal-Mart of all places ..I can't remember for what and why now it's been so long ... but on that trip I ended up in the books and Magazines section. I picked up several books in the inspiration section ..flipping through the pages not realizing at the time that I was looking for words of Hope. Now I look back ..the trip to Wal-Mart was meant to be ..and the words Of Hope I was looking for found themselves on the pages tucked in a beautiful Devotional .. "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.

This devotional is like none other I have ever had in my life. Sarah Young has captured the still small voice of God speaking to her and then sharing it through each daily devotion with the reader. It is written so that when you read each daily devotion it reads from the perspective of the Lord speaking directly to you. Along with it are 2, 3, 4 scritpures that correspond with each devotion. I can truly say my most treasured and dear to my heart book is my Bible ..but Jesus Calling is right there next to it ever day.
Each morning I look forward to feeding my soul with the words of the Lord .. I look forward to reading my devotion and stepping forth into my day knowing that no matter what comes my way ... the Lord is always with me..he always has been and always will. That is a true comfort to me and it fills me with Joy.
Sarah Young has written a few more devotional books since ..which I haven't as yet purchased ..for the 6 years I have enjoyed this one so much.
If you are a faith driven woman or even man ..If you would like to be a faith driven woman or man .. by all means you can be ..Life is about choices. We make them for ourselves ..no one else can. Pull out your Bible each day if only for a few minutes to feed your soul ..and even pick up or order one of the Jesus Calling Devotionals ..and devote just 5 minutes of your morning to filling your heart and mind with wholesome life changing goodness.
I purchased some additional Jesus Calling Devotionals for friends . And Overstock.com was the best price. I have seen the devotional also offered at Sams Club and I'm not sure if it's stocked on she shelves at Wal-Mart or not anymore but and easy and quick way to get it to your Home Sweet Home is to Click
HERE (overtock.com) to purchase your Devotional today ..and start being touched daily by the Lords Sweet Love for your life.
My Hope in sharing this personal piece of my life ..is that there will be others touched and changed in a Good and Lovely way. I think when we have had such a beautiful experience that has enhanced our lives we want to share it with others that they too might have their own Beautiful experience too.
Wishing you all Many Blessings ..and a Fabulous October