Friday, June 24, 2011
Sweet Magnolias Farm Barn Sale ..ends Tomorrow !

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A busy life and a fun filled weekend ..
In January of 2010 My life had come to a cross roads ..
A decision was before me ..and of course I went to the Lord in prayer over it.
I have always been a long time ..Junker , Antiquer and Creator .. I grew up with it and as I got older it grew on me.
In 2010 I was struggling and wondering where to go with life ..what do for work ..and how to accomplish it all. I really needed some answers and guidance ..and of course I was patiently awaiting the Lord for that guidance ..and as we say here at Sweet Magnolias Farm.. "Work While you Wait"
"Working While you Wait" was a quote from a little book given us from a friend many years back ..however I can't remember the name of the book as we passed it on to a friend ..and I hope it has been passed on since ..as it was an amazing book that really gave you encouragement and hope in Christ ..when life seems to be at a holding point.
Anyhow that quote struck a cord with us ...as we were truly in a holding pattern in life and wondering when circumstances were going to change ..and what do you do... will "Work While you Wait" was just perfection for us at the time ..and it worked out in the end ..In God's perfect timing our holding pattern lifted and we moved forward.
Well once again in early 2010 my life faced a similar situation ..and I decided to "Work While I Waited" .. and In January ..or February can't remember which date ..I was contacted to take part in the Chateau De Fleurs 1st Marketplace. I took 2 weeks to think and pray it over ...AND
The rest is History as they say ... Here I am over a year later and I'm still doing what I love ..being blessed beyond words ..and so Thankful for where I'm at today in life ..
I'm busier I think today than I have been in years ..always working in some capacity.. or filled with friendships that I have made in the last year that are such a blessing to me.
I've met such amazing clients that I now call my friends .. life is in bloom and what a beautiful bouquet I have been given.
Speaking of Friends
This last weekend ..Abbey and I spent the Day with a Very Good Friend Sheila of Tattered Goods ... we went off to the local flea market ..and never expected to see friends from the Vintage marketplace we all sell at ..
Who knew we were all thinking about going flea marketing !
What a Blessing ..to find friends along lifes highways in unexpected ways !
And of course we had a great time at the Flea Market .. We came home with fun finds ..in fact we were a little concerned we weren't going to fit in the truck ..but Alas our specialty packer Abbey who can get just about anything into any car ..made it all fit just like a puzzle ..Thank Goodness !
So as today turns to tomorrow ..and the day after and the day after .. I continue to work ..I contiue to give thanks to the Lord for a good life and good friends ...and whenever that day comes that life must take a turn ...but it won't quite make the turn in my timing ..I shall again Work While I Wait ..because His way is the perfect way I have found !
Wishing you all a Beautiful Week ahead ..and just a quick reminder that our Barn Sale in our Etsy Shop ends this coming Saturday the 25th ..
Plus I have added well over 20 new offerings in the last week ..if you'd like to take a look click HERE

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sweet Magnolias Farm Summer Barn Sale ....and New offerings
Sweet Magnolias Farm is having a Summer Barn Sale....

Where ... ?
Our Etsy shop !
Up to 50 % off on many of our offerings ..
Check out our Barn Sale Section in our shop OR look for Barn Sale in the title of our listings. .. Original price will be stated in the listing. Prices already reduced for Easy Checkout(Layaway not available on Barn Sale items)
Start Shopping Early "NOW" CLICK HERE..Items are already being offered today ...
Vintage Girl Key Necklaces 1/2 price and vintage offerings marked 40 and 50 % off
And we will be adding more items througout the 10 day sale so be sure to check back ..
If you have any questions or need any help feel free to convo. us through Etsy or E-mail us ..

Monday, June 13, 2011
Adventures of the Marketplace Girls ...
Abbey and I picked up Sheila of Tattered Goods and we headed out to meet up with our vintage marketplace friends at the Beautiful "Keys Creek Lavender Farm" nestled in the Beautiful rolling hills of Valley Center.
Our Adventure took us through winding old 2 lane back roads, down an old mile and a half dirt road ..nestled in the trees .. and surrounded by God's handiwork.
Our Country Drive led us to sweet aroma filled fields.. Lavender for as far as the eye could see ..filled the beautiful rolling hills.
Our fun didn't end with the lavender farm however ..one of our dear marketplace friends Christine ..who lives in Valley Center ...invited us all to her home sweet home in the country for a beautiful luncheon...
Our day began around 5 that morning ..we all met up at 10 in the morning..and our day ended about 6 that night ..it was a full day .. one full of fun and joy ..and filled with many wonderful memories ..
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Hardwork and Giving Thanks
The book I'm reading now ..has been rather inspiring ..She was a strong Courageous woman for her day ..and she was definitely what we would call today .."A Go Getter"
In one of the chapters of her book ..I loved loved loved a quote of hers, ..
Pray as if Everything Depended on God
Work as if everything depended on you
I pray hard and I work hard ..so that quote really tugged at my heart ..!
I'm always pushing myself above and beyond ..and setting unrealistic goals that I'll never be able to possibly or humanly meet ..but it's my way of alway keeping the proverbial carrot dangling ...reaching reaching reaching for it ...but never attaining it. It's what motivates me and keeps me going each day when I awake.
Blessed to share a home with my parents ..I never have married and never have had the true blessing of having children ..therefore between my Dogs and my work they are my babies .. The two things that I get up for and work hard for and what drive me to keep on keeping on.
I love my work ..I'm so blessed to spend each day encompassed in it ..I am so blessed to be working at my hearts desire ..
All that Said .. Thank You .. Thank you to first and foremost the Lord ..to my family .. to my friends ..to my blogland friends ..and to all of my customers ..who support the work of my hands so dearly.
You can never know how deeply my heart appreciates you all and how thanful for each and every one of you I am ..through the good times and the bad ..
And speaking or work... will it never quits with me .. LOL ! We rolled right off this last marketplace out of bed and off to my nieces baby shower all day Sunday ..and yesterday it was off to take up the offer of some free goods from a gal that stopped in at our marketplace shop and run errands ... I thought maybe today I would be exhausted ..but I think I'm still working on the adrenaline pumped in me by the awesome show we had this weekend ..
So I've been cleaning, organizing and photo shooting new offerings ..Several of which I just listed on Etsy ...and here's a few peeks ....

And ... several of our New Farmhouse Flour Sack Towels ...with adorable ruffled bottoms ..

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