O.k. so while working the last few days preparing some new goodies for our upcoming show ...I had to giggle to myself when I thought of this perfect blog post, which you see I have titled Where These Women Create.
I Love love love the new magazine where women create ...I think the artistic work spaces are out of this world and if I could have a space of my own all dressed to perfection like the ones I have seen ...believe me I would.
However ........Reality is ....
If you like me ....are on a limited income ..and Live in a limited amount of space you'll find that work space ends up being in the kitchen the living room the dining room and just about any space that isn't being used. It's the reality of finding inspiration in whatever space you have. And I'm here to say it is possible !!
I'm guessing that some women may look at the beautiful work spaces in this magazine and some may feel of course envious and some may feel a bit down wishing they had such a space and some may like me dream of such a space...and others may feel deflated before they ever get started thinking how will they ever obtain such a space to work in .....but don't let that stop you from finding your creativity in whatever space you have in life at this time.
I think If you are so blessed to have a whole room or studio to create in that is awesome ...who that creates wouldn't want such a place to go and dream and work and get lost in that world of creativity we all so love ...but I think more realistically ...there are 100's if not 1000's of us out there creating in any space we can find available in our homes ...
So today I thought I would share with you all a bit of our reality ...Where we create.
BEWARE ...it isn't Pretty !!! ...LOL

First of all we Rent right now ...so we are limited to how much we can decorate our home ..it's been hard ...but you do what you have to do...Second ..we have a 3 bedroom home ..1 bedroom for myself and another for my Parents ..and well the third is quite small and houses all of our supplies...and leaves no room for a table or sewing machine or any place to work ..it's purely a storage area that we get to creep into and pull our supplies from ...All of which is on the second level so we spend alot of time making trips up and down stairs when we work.
The picture above is our living room work space.......Each morning I drag our the 6 ft work table ..hall down whatever is needed for the day ...and start laying everything out. Abb takes the left side of the table and I the right .....Once the table makes it into our living room it leaves no place for Maggies bed ..so On the Fire Place it goes ...and that leaves 2 open chairs for us to sit in when we grab lunch or a snack.....

Maggies adjusted well and thinks laying on the hearth is special ....Oh and there's are piles of antique linens ..stacked on our Trunk/Coffee table ....

Behind one chair ...the ironing board is put up ..

Of course ..It's hot and rather costly here in CA to run Air Conditioning ..so a Fan blowing is a must !!!

Then ...cozied up next to the kitchen bar is the portable table with sewing machine ..some weeks this becomes a daily fixture that we don't take down ....

All the while we are working ..Maggie naps ..for at her age she deserves it ....!!!
And at the end of the day ..your asking what happens to everying ....we pick it up ..pack it up and put it all away ...dinner time arrives and life switches gears ....it's off to sleepy land a short time later ...and in the early morning the whole routine begins again...
So ...this is the long and short of "Where these women Create" ...It's not glamorous ...it's not what you would call pretty ....But it's our reality ..it's the place ideas are born and executed ..it's the place memories are made and it's what we call Home ..which is a good place to be.
I will always dream that one day ...I'll have a little studio all my own to share with Abb and my Kindred Friends ..a place where I can walk in have everything at my fingertips ..and in an orderly fashion ..layed out ever so beautifully ... ...But for now ..I'm happy right where I'm at.
P.S. ....If you are coming to the Chateau De Fleurs show ....Abb and I are working on Aprons ...I know we had alot of you ladies asking about the ones we wear at the shows ...so we have started a line of Vintage Farm Style Aprons ..that we think you all are going to love. Every one is a one of a kind no 2 alike ...So be sure to get to the show ASAP to get your pick !!!
For those of you who can't make it to the show ..I hope to offer our aprons online very soon ...!!
Wishing you all a most beautiful week ..
Blessings ..Sara